Course Description
The significance of the human microbiome is the most important and revolutionary paradigm shift in medicine, at least since the microscope, and is literally redefining what the human body is. The microbiome is the totality of microbes – bacteria, viruses and fungi – their genes and interactions with the internal and external environment (a dichotomy which is also passing away).
The three pounds of flora in the colon, plus other healthy microbes in all parts of the body, affects or even regulates every system in the bodymind. No aspect of human physiology – immunity, neuroendocrine function, and everything else – can truly be considered separate from the human microbiome. These cells, despite their small weight, outnumber other body cells by a factor of 10, and contain 98% of our genes. This living matrix also connects and makes us part of all of life on the planet, and the planet itself.
Our nascent understanding of the microbiome also, thankfully, heralds the final and irrevocable demise of Pasteur’s flawed “germ theory.” Anything which injures the microbiome, e.g. antibiotics, vaccinations, pesticides or herbicides, damages the whole system. And anything which supports and nourishes it, positively affects all aspects of physiology.
Two areas of greatest interest is the contribution of the microbiome to regulating metabolism – endocrine function and weight management, as well as blood sugar regulation. This is critical, as an astonishing 2/3 of all US adults are overweight or obese, and 1/3 of all Americans are diabetic or pre-diabetic. This also relates to the US 50% lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease, and the epidemic of inflammatory, degenerative and autoimmune conditions.
This seminar, taught by one of the leading educators in the field of natural medicine, presents information and ideas you must know and understand if you wish to be relevant in this new healthcare paradigm. You will learn about the foods, supplements and botanicals that support the health of the microbiome, and a specific protocol for all patients to do at least once. You will also learn about blood sugar balance in detail, a subject you must know in order to treat the modern patient. Applying these teachings will signal a turning point in your practice, and make you a leader in your community, in preventative and wholistic health care.
In this seminar, you will learn:
• The macro implications of the microbiome – the unity of all life
• Effective strategies for gut flora restoration and lasting weight loss
• How to effectively balance blood sugar and correct dysglycemia, and the panapoly of conditions caused by chronic blood sugar elevation, using diet, and food- and plant-based supplementation
Curriculum Topics
1. Wholism vs Reductionism
2. The Gut Microbiome – definition, sources, influences, functions, new terminology, gut-brain relationship
3. Gut Dysbiosis – symptoms, causes, effects, relation to obesity
3. Restoring Gut Microbiome Balance: lifestyle, diet, new insights on probiotics, importance of fiber
4. Lactic Acid, Myeclium Yeast and Gut Health
5. Gut Fungal Overgrowth, Candida Albicans
6. The Gut Flora Restoration Program – diet, nutritional & herbal support
7. Obesity, Visceral Fat
9. Therapeutic Purification & Detoxification – diet, lifestyle, mind-body, nutritional & herbal support
10. Low-Level Light Therapy – functions, actions, indications; Mitochondrial Resuscitation, Weight & Fat Loss
11. Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Home & Lab Testing
12. Metabolic Syndrome – pathophysiology, effects
13. The Seven Causes of Metabolic Syndrome, therapeutic strategies – diet, lifestyle, nutritional & herbal support
14. Restoring Glycemic Balance
15. Resources, Next Steps
Student Comment
“A lot of good information. Thanks.” – Brian E Green, DAOM, LCSW, LAc