Healing the Center: A Wholistic Approach to Improving Digestive Health
Diet, Supplementation and Botanicals for Optimal Digestion, Elimination & Leaky Gut
With Dr Michael Gaeta, DAOM, MS, CDN
Course Description
Digestive conditions affect one in five Americans, and 250,000 die of digestive disease each year (NDDIC). Every month, 50,000 gallbladders are removed in the US. Fortunately, nearly all of this digestive illness is unnecessary, preventable and reversible, with natural functional medicine tools for assessment and restorative support. If you, as a natural health professional, are not skilled in improving digestive health, your clinical results and positive impact will be limited.
In Chinese medicine, the digestive system is referred to as the Center, or the “Middle Burner.” Healing the Center is a foundation to a person’s lasting healing, regardless of their condition. Effective treatment for patients with digestive conditions includes a practical approach to dietary improvements, whole food supplementation and botanical medicine.
This seminar, presented by a successful clinician with 29+ years of experience, broadens your range of effective tools that can prevent and reverse a wide range of your patients’ digestive concerns. The core of the seminar is the Digestive Triad of lipids, protein and carbohydrates. You will learn natural functional medicine strategies you can apply at your next patient visit, to attain optimal digestion, absorption and elimination.
In this seminar, you will learn how to improve your patient care in these areas:
- Stomach and protein digestion
- Bile and fat digestion
- Intestines and assimilation
- Carbohydrate digestion
- Large intestine health and bowel flora
- Leaky gut
- Preventing gallbladder problems
- Herbal bitters for digestive health and systemic resilience
- Common digestive conditions, including constipation, gastritis, ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel, and post-cholecystectomy support
- Whole foods diet, including specific foods that help or hinder digestive vitality
- Useful lab testing and home tests for functional assessment
- Using food-based supplements and herbal therapy safely and effectively
- Mental/emotional factors underlying many digestive conditions
- Immune support to help the body clear gut infections – bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus
Course Outline
Video, Audio, Notes, Slides, Articles, References, Resources
Part One: The Triad of Digestion Video (116:51)
Part Two: Optimal Elimination (104:24)
Part Three: Leaky Gut (81:15)
Resources & Test Info