Herd Immunity: The Foundational Lie of the Forced Vaccination Agenda, Part One
The pHarma / government / mainstream media cabal has a clear goal: unlimited forced vaccination for the entire population. How could such an outcome be imaginable? How could we knowingly give up our parental rights, informed consent and personal sovereignty, by making an entire class of drugs mandatory, with no freedom of choice?
The justification offered, for this particular form of medical fascism, is herd, or “community” immunity. One of the primary US government/pHarma propaganda websites, www.vaccines.gov, says this: “When a critical portion of a community is immunized against a contagious disease, most members of the community are protected against that disease because there is little opportunity for an outbreak. Even those who are not eligible for certain vaccines—such as infants, pregnant women, or immunocompromised individuals—get some protection because the spread of contagious disease is contained. This is known as ‘community immunity’.”
Sounds reasonable, initially. I should put aside my personal concerns about the lack of demonstrated effectiveness, necessity or safety of vaccines, and put any government-recommended number of vaccines into my or my child’s body, for the sake of the whole. I have my concerns, but I’ll take one for the team. What’s more, I don’t want to be seen as a selfish or irresponsible by not vaccinating. I may be willing to take the risk of contracting a non-dangerous, self-limiting infection for myself, but I wouldn’t want to endanger anyone else. Vaccination, from this carefully-manufactured perspective, is part of being a responsible member of society.
But is it really true? Is it truly so that vaccinating protects others, and that failing to vaccinate endangers others? For the precious few with the courage to question the forced vaccination propaganda, and accept the truth, based on credible, non-CDC science, is no, or, more accurately, absolutely not.
Vaccine-induced herd or community immunity is scientifically impossible. It is a brilliant piece of marketing, using guilt to coerce behavior and drive drug sales. It is twisted genius in action, making intelligent, independent-thinking people ignore their honest, well-founded vaccine skepticism, and causing the rest to accept unlimited vaccinations without question.
There are two primary reasons why vaccinating oneself cannot protect others, and why failing to vaccinate cannot endanger others. The first is from the science of immunology, and we can describe it as waning antibody stimulation, post-vaccination. In short, vaccines only do one thing – stimulate antibody production to something similar but not the same as the infection. That antibody stimulation is temporary, lasting a few months or years. So the majority of the US population has had no so-called vaccine “protection” for several decades, without any resurgent epidemics of measles, mumps, pertussis, etc.
The second is from the science of population outcomes, or epidemiology. In all populations globally who have ever attained the ever-rising and completely arbitrary (read: made up) minimum threshold for vaccine uptake (% of a population who get vaccinated), outbreaks of vaccinated diseases still occur. This should, of course, be impossible, if herd immunity were actually true. In Part Two of this article, we’ll take an honest, non-hysterical look at each of these in more detail. In the meantime, you can safely and responsibly ignore any of the sheeple who tell you it is irresponsible to not vaccinate.
Also, if you value the timeless ideals and ethics of parental rights, informed consent, personal sovereignty and healthcare freedom of choice, and care to restore and preserve same, go to www.nvicadvocacy.org. It’s a free, private service that will let you know of exactly what nefarious threats to vaccine choice are happening in your state, and specifically what to do about it. Even if you believe in vaccines, I’ll bet that you believe even more in freedom of choice in healthcare treatment decisions, for parents and individuals. The pHarma-driven unlimited forced vaccination agenda may happen, if enough of us who value freedom do nothing. It’s up to us.