Health Freedom First: Our Online School was Censored & De-platformed

Recording of Live Community Call 2/23/23

I was not clear in this talk that both liberals and conservatives love and defend freedom of speech, while woke leftists / Marxists promote, celebrate and practice censorship.

The general topics in our school are natural health and health freedom. I consider freedom to be a moral, not a political, issue. It makes no sense for us to be censored, preventing people from hearing different views and making up their own minds.

I don’t think the Teachable censorship a personal vendetta against me, though some suspect it is. I can’t say for sure.

Thank you for your interest, and patience as we rebuild the school. Onward!




  1. Bill Cirino DC on February 24, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    I am so saddened that this has happened. I no longer feel I’m living in the USA after this and so many other things going on in this country have happened.

    You have done such an incredible job of teaching whole food nutritional care throughout the years. I am so sorry.

    I will donate to the cause and any other way I can be of help, let me know.

    Thank you for all you have shared with us throughout the years. Not a day goes by where the
    Insights and knowledge you shared hasn’t helped a patient, friend or family member of mine.

    Many, many thanks

  2. Andrew C Whitelaw on February 24, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    Please don’t smear actual Marxists/Leftists by associating them with the authoritarian right-of-center neoliberal Democrat party. A corporate-captured party acting like fascists they warn us of, and disinforming as they point the finger and censor others (on both the left and right side of the spectrum) who want free speech and open debate. Democrats are not close to being Leftists. They are ‘Liberals’, which has become a caricature of the term. Please get it straight. Try not to alienate your allies against censorship and authoritarianism.

    • Michael Gaeta on February 24, 2023 at 10:22 pm

      Thanks Andrew. Happy to disagree agreeably. Few can recognize today’s Democrat party, which has veered so far left that it is unrecognizable from what it was even 20 years ago, more so 30-40 years ago. Like most big corporations, educational institutions, medical associations and professional sports, it has caved to the angry woke / cultural Marxist mob, with its censorship and cancel culture, and abandoned classical liberalism, which ardently defended free speech. I agree with you completely that today’s democrat party, which I used to vote for consistently, has become a fascist / corporatist cabal, and the party of big corp, esp big tech. Today’s democrat party is the party of lockdowns, forced injections / vaccine mandates, and collusion with big tech to censor medical dissent and political enemies. I truly wish it were otherwise. It used to be, when I was a New York City Democrat, the party against corporate power, and the party of the regular guy, free speech and open dissent. What I left out of my talk was that both liberals and conservatives cherish free speech, while leftists demand censorship. Completing this bizarre reversal of recent decades, the republican party is now the party of the regular American and freedom of speech, much more close to classical liberalism than the power-mad marxist tyrants who now, for the first time, run the other side. I care more about medical freedom and freedom of speech, than I do about a particular political party. I go where the freedom is, because that’s where people bring out their goodness and gifts, and thrive. Freedom is a God-given right and a moral / societal issue, not a political one.

  3. John Wright on February 25, 2023 at 12:04 pm

    The censorship of the past three years has been incredible. All those in power doing this need to be removed, the companies doing this need to be put out of business.

  4. Sue Bosler on February 26, 2023 at 3:56 pm

    Sending love and prayers Michael

    • Michael Gaeta on February 28, 2023 at 9:07 pm

      Thank you, Sue! Much appreciated. M

  5. Julia Chaplin on February 28, 2023 at 2:02 am

    Michael, by any chance did you record the talk you did on Artemisia annua recently?

    • Michael Gaeta on February 28, 2023 at 9:07 pm

      Thanks, Julia. Which one? For the Control Group? If so, it is available in their Archive. – M

  6. Joann on March 4, 2023 at 2:57 pm

    Hello.. I am confused. What your saying is your website was censored and de platformed.. but yet it’s all okay to have all of these other certification programs, and consipiracy theories on you tube yet.. we can’t have this opportunity to learn about auto immune disease? And your blaming the left side for this? What??? I am absolutely confused.. this makes NO sense. There are SO MANY MANY certifications out there.. that have no credentialing. ARe you making this up or is there a personal vendetta out there against you? And now your bringing your political beliefs into this whole mess.. it does make me wonder. I mean why don’t you just share your ideas on how women no longer have the right to control their own bodies? I mean if I get pregnant accidentally .. and I know my health can not handle this pregnancy’s all okay to have governments tell me otherwise? Politics and religion should not be discussed.. I’m sorry but I feel like there is something off with your reasons here. Just saying.

    • Michael Gaeta on March 4, 2023 at 7:28 pm

      Thanks, Joann. Happy to disagree agreeably.

      I was not clear in my talk that both liberals and conservatives love and defend freedom of speech, while woke leftists / marxists promote and celebrate and practice censorship. The general topics in our school are natural health and health freedom. I consider freedom to be a moral, not a political, issue.

      I completely agree with you that it makes no sense for us to be censored, preventing people from hearing differing views and making up their own minds.

      I don’t think the Teachable censorship a personal vendetta against me, though some suspect it is. I can’t say for sure.

      I do believe in and defend personal bodily autonomy, esp related to medical freedom.

      The abortion issue has simply been returned to the states, for them to decide for themselves. Ideally, the People, through their representatives, decide how it is in their state.

      Thank you for your interest, and patience as we rebuild the school.



  7. Eva DC on March 27, 2023 at 1:08 pm

    Hi Michael,
    I totally support your stance against this dangerously authoritarian turn that the Dem party has taken, that is wholly unconstitutional and serves the agenda of a one world authoritarian gov’t, for the misguided notion of “the greater good”. Only suckers would give up their freedom for the false promise of security. I’m glad you’re taking a stand for freedom! “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” These are not times for silence and complicity.

    I also lodged my complaints to Teachables for their outrageous actions against your professionally accredited courses and am glad that they at least extended their time for you to download your courses. Keep up the great work! I appreciate you greatly.

    • Michael Gaeta on March 29, 2023 at 12:14 pm

      Thank you, Dr Eva! I really appreciate it and your support.

  8. […] Gaeta Institute de-platformed – February 2023 an online holistic educator was removed from the platform Teachable […]