Pro-Vaccine Immunologist Admits Shocking Truth About Childhood Vaccines (audio)

In 2009, after delivering a two-day practitioner training in Idaho on vaccines and the immune system, I was invited to speak on vaccines at the May 2010 Northwest Naturopathic Physicians Conference, in Portland, Oregon. I thought I would be among like-minded colleagues, already aware of the overstated benefits and understated risks of the failed and even catastrophic childhood vaccine program. To my great surprise, among the 350 naturopaths in attendance were many who learned in school the typical, baseless propaganda: that vaccines saved humanity from infectious disease, that they were extensively tested for safety, and that questioning vaccine policy was dangerous, anti-science extremism.
After presenting facts and evidence about 12 common vaccine myths for 90 minutes in the morning, causing quite the hubbub, I was part of a four-member panel of experts in the afternoon. To my left was a naturopath skeptical of vaccine propaganda. She had published a three-part series of historical articles in their journal, detailing how the first and only time the naturopathic profession came together in agreement on an issue was a century ago, in opposition to the new universal vaccine program.
To my right was a strongly pro-vaccine PhD immunologist who helped develop vaccines during her postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University, and who taught immunology and vaccine “science” at more than one of the naturopathic colleges in the Northwest USA. It turned out that many of her former students, now practicing naturopathic physicians, were at the conference.
To her right was a type of practitioner I did not think could exist: a vaccinating naturopath. I had wrongly assumed that these “nature doctors” would, as I do, innately distrust vaccines and their mandates, in favor of a wholistic approach to immune support and healthy living for children. Surprisingly, she defended her daily practice of vaccinating children by stating that the checked their antibody titers first, something a first-year student should know is almost entirely irrelevant.
Once the introductions were done, I understood how the conference organizers had set up the panel: a showdown with two doctors on either side of the vaccine issue. The room was packed, with the entire conference squeezing in to see what promised to be a battle royal. What followed, for two hours of questions from the learned audience, was surreal for me. Nearly every question was from an attendee of my morning session, which challenged what most of them had learned in naturopathic school.
In short, they fact-checked my presentation with the immunologist. Most questions were addressed to the immunologist. and followed a pattern: “In the morning session, Dr Gaeta said (insert controversial statement). Is that true? She was on the spot, as I was. The truly extraordinary thing was that, without exception, she affirmed that, in her opinion, every statement I made was true and correct.
One such assertion was that it is insane and irresponsible to administer drugs that stimulate antibody production (vaccines) to babies who are too young to make antibodies. This is because antibody production typically begins after the first year of life. Her response caused gasps of shock I could hear from the stage. She not only affirmed that this was true immunologically, but added why it is done. Listen:
In other words, she affirmed with a chuckle that the roughly 24 vaccines given to babies in their first year of life could have no benefit, and were administered solely to ensure parental compliance with the schedule of “well-baby” (read “vaccine”) visits.
To Learn More, Next Steps
If you’d like to learn the material that caused such a hubbub at this conference, all of that and much more is found in my detailed, easy-to-follow self-study course on vaccines, the immune system and natural immune support. Click here to learn more and enroll.
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