New Patient Orientation
Welcome to The Gaeta Clinic for Chinese & Functional Medicine!
Dr Michael Gaeta, Director
Andrea Smith, Office Manager
We are off to a great start! This is your page for understanding why and how we work together, to improve your well-being and vitality with our "nature first, drugs last" philosophy. Here you'll get acquainted with the websites we use for patient care, how to get the most out of our working together, and more. Click here to learn more about Dr Gaeta.
Why We Provide Patient Care
The reason Dr Gaeta does this work is to co-create with you a culture of "nature first, drugs last" - vital, resilient people who make their unique positive contribution in the world, who are able to minimize their interactions with the medical system.
"My goal is not just to treat you. It is also to treat THROUGH you, because as you become healthier and stronger, with more radiance and vitality, you become a greater blessing or positive presence to those around you. I never see most of the effects of the work I do with patients, because its in the lives of those they touch, most of whom I will never meet (though I appreciate your referrals!)."
Your Care Plan
The Basic Care Plan is how nearly every patient moves forward with Dr Gaeta, after the initial evaluation. It includes:
- 12 monthly visits (in the Boulder office, or by video or phone),
- Answers to urgent questions between visits that cannot wait for the next visit, and
- Your patient discount on supplements.
You can pay monthly, or save by making one payment. If you prefer, there is also a Mini Care Plan of six monthly visits. If you need an additional visit in a month, you receive a discount on those visits ($165 instead of $185).
Ideally, patients near the Boulder clinic come in weekly for the first 10 weeks, for hands-on treatment, Asian bodywork therapy (Amma therapy), acupuncture, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, and low-level light therapy. Again, the first visit of each month is included in your Care Plan.
Either Care Plan auto-renews at the end. Be sure we are clear about your next steps in the final visit of your Care Plan, so you know whether to renew or not.
How to Schedule Your Appointments
We use Full Slate for appointment scheduling. Click here for our Patients page, where you can access the scheduler by clicking on the type of appointment you need (in-person or by phone/video).
After you enroll in your Care Plan:
- Email [email protected] to let Andrea know, so that you can schedule your appointments without paying for each visit. DO NOT pay for your monthly visits after you are enrolled in your Care Plan, even if the system asks you to. Just email Andrea or call 303-442-2525, and she will help. Also be sure to provide her with a card on file for miscellaneous charges, which we keep in our secure system. After we charge your card, you receive a statement detailing all charges.
- Dr Gaeta only sees patients on Tuesdays, so please schedule all 12 monthly visits in your Care Plan right away. You can always change those appointment times later.
How to Access Your Supplement Protocol
We use to provide you with your patient portal. This is where you'll find your latest program of nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle recommendations, and lab tests to do.
Click here to log in. During or shortly after your initial evaluation, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your patient portal. If for any reason you cannot log in, simply click "Forgot Password" and create a new one.
Please let Dr Gaeta know if this program is doable (pill count) and sustainable (cost) for you. If not, he will prioritize and adjust to the pill count and budget you specify. Typically, your supplement program will change every two months, based on how you are doing, new test results, and where we are in your Care Plan.
Around Your Appointment Time
- Before and during your video or phone appointment with Dr Gaeta, be sure to have your email open. If he is running late or needs to communicate with you for any reason before you speak, he will send you an email.
- If you are in the Zoom waiting room, and the meeting ends and you are removed from the meeting, it means that he just finished with the previous patient, is ready for you, and that you should log in again. Click here for the Zoom link for your video appointment.
- You should automatically receive a written summary of your visit afterwards. In addition, at the start of your visit, let him know if you would also like a video and audio recording, and/or a complete transcript, of your visit, so he can turn on those features.
How to Order Your Supplements
...with your built-in patient discount:
Click here:
Enter this Health Care Professional's Patient Direct Code: ME4HJS
Order Zinc Test along with your other supplements.
Preload all your supplements for the week into a supplement tray (Andrea will send with your OK – email [email protected]).
For the rest of your family, I recommend the Standard Process General Health Daily Fundamentals Packets, 1 pack twice each day, for overall, whole-body nutritional support.
Please let Andrea know if you have any questions, concerns or requests. [email protected], or 303-442-2525.
Home Care Medical Devices
In our "nature first, drugs last" approach, regular treatment and consultation is the foundation of your Care Plan. How that manifests in your life, and what makes the biggest difference, are the things you do day-to- day with your wholistic self-care: sleep, diet, exercise, supplementation, herbal medicine, nourishing relationships, looking after the spiritual side of life, and home treatment equipment.
In over 34 years of practice, Dr Gaeta has identified two home care medical devices that reliably provides patients with better results in less time towards your health goals, regardless of what condition or health issue you have. Though not necessary, they are very helpful. They are:
- Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy: using the most clinically-researched, best-in-class home care PEMF device greatly improves your blood and lymphatic microcirculation (74% of your entire vascular system) and calms your nervous system, providing deeper relaxation, repair and recovery. This results in 30% better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your cells, and better drainage / removal of waste and carbon dioxide from your cells. This helps all of your organs work better, accelerates your healing process, improves athletic performance and recovery, and encourages healthy aging and prevention. Daily use is just eight minutes twice per day, for you and your family. Click here to learn more and how to purchase. Cost is $4,590 to $6,980. Dr Gaeta and most patients use the Premium Set Evo, which is $5,890. Zero interest financing and monthly payment plans are available. Dr Gaeta's team provides comprehensive onboarding and training so you will get the most benefit from the device. Also, there is a version of this device specifically for horses, which dramatically improves their health, performance and recovery.
- Low-Level Light Therapy: this is another clinically-proven way to improve mitochondrial (energy) production, circulation and collagen formation (tissue repair). Click here for the best-in-class device that Dr Gaeta uses in the clinic, and many patients use at home, typically 30 minutes, once a day. Once you select a device, let us know so we can send it to you with your patient discount. Cost without your patient discount is $300 - $10,000. Most patients use the Pro ($1,800) or Home ($800) model.
How to Access Your Patient Education Video Portal
Dr Gaeta has created a collection of educational videos on home testing, diet and lifestyle suggestions, and the supplements and herbs you are taking, so that you can be in charge of your own health and make best use of our "nature first, drugs last" approach.
Andrea will also send you a separate email from Expert Nutrition Advisor, once we set you up in the system. In case you haven't received it, you can click here to log in.
Click here for an educational page you can share with family and friends, so they can learn more about wholistic healthcare and our clinic.
Email all new test results & medical records to [email protected]. Please add your name to the subject line.
- Non-health-related questions, e.g. billing, appointment help: Andrea Smith, [email protected], or 303-442-2525.
- Health-related questions:
- Write in your health journal and ask at our monthly follow-up visits.
- Urgent questions that cannot wait until our next follow-up visit: email [email protected]. If you do not receive a sufficiently prompt reply, call or text me at 917-613-4501.
Please let us know if you have any questions, requests or concerns. Thank you! - Michael & Andrea
Your Health Notebook
Write down your questions for your next visit in a notebook or document, so you can go through them with him. Be sure to bring them up at the start of a visit. You can also use it to write down your notes during each visit.
Useful Links
Testing: you will find most of the recommended tests and more at
Other educational videos and piano music:
Online courses in wholistic health, natural living and more:
Upcoming programs, courses and events:
Michael's live weekly podcast on natural health & health freedom:
Know Your Farmer: Local, Organic Food is Best, for many reasons. Get as much of your food as you can through Community-Supported Agriculture, Farmer’s Markets and Your Local Farms. and
Your Lab Tests: The Basic Eight
Dr Gaeta uses a basic set of laboratory and home tests, which you would ideally complete within the first two months of your care. He may recommend additional specialty tests according to your health concerns and goals. Here they are:
1. Blood Tests. Through your physician, or direct-to-patient at Click here for the list he recommends doing once per year. Please do only the tests not done in past six months.
2. Comprehensive Urinalysis, plus albumin for cardiovascular disease risk assessment. Through your physician, or direct-to-patient at
3. Tissue (Hair) Mineral Analysis. Available at Ideally with Diet Plan, though that is optional. Click here to learn more.
4. Omega-3 Index Plus. Ask Andrea ([email protected]) to send. $75. Click here to learn more. Click here for an excellent online course on Omega-3s, the Omega-3 Index home fingerprick blood test, and athletic and mental performance.
5. Microbiome Test. Ask Andrea ([email protected]) to send. $130. Click here to learn more.
6. Zinc Taste Test. Click here for instructions. Order with your other supplements.
7. Thyroid Temperature Test. Click here for instructions. Click here for the thermometer to use.
8. Coronary Calcium Score. For everyone 40 and older. Call and go to a local imaging center that offers it. Click here for the one in Boulder, CO. Doctor’s prescription usually not needed. Cost is $50-500, depending on the imaging center.
Recommended, Optional Home Tests:
- Body Composition Scale: click here
- Tape measure to learn your waist-to-hip ratio: click here
- pH test for urine and saliva: click here
- Blood sugar monitor: click here
- Blood pressure monitor: click here
- Urine test strips: click here
Be sure to send any test results to Dr Gaeta at [email protected] or, old school, fax to 970-237-3062.
Learn About the Wholistic Health Perspective on Your Condition
The Gaeta Institute for Wholistic Education is Dr Gaeta's online school for teaching his "nature first, drugs last" philosophy to health professionals and the health-conscious public. With over 50 courses, we likely have a course you can take to learn more about your health condition or goal, or that of someone you care about. This will help you take better care of yourself, and save time in your consultations with Dr Gaeta. Click here for our complete course catalog. Below are some examples of courses you or someone you care about will benefit from. If you have a:
Cardiovascular issue: click here
Autoimmune disease: click here
Cancer: click here
Immune system condition: click here
Hormonal imbalance (thyroid, adrenal or blood sugar): click here
Covid injection injury: click here
Digestive problem: click here
History of trauma: click here
Men's health issue: click here
Women's health concern: click here
Fertility issue: click here
Mental health concern: click here
Want to do a detoxification / purification program: click here
Vaccine injury or questions: click here
The Master Sequence
Over his more than 34 years of successful clinical practice using Chinese and functional medicine, and training over 20,000 health professionals, Dr Gaeta has developed a sequence of 12 health protocols that support key areas of human physiology, to optimize your repair, recovery, healing, well-being, quality of life, resilience and vitality. Each protocol typically takes 2-4 months to complete. Dr Gaeta has taught these protocols to thousands of natural health professionals over more than 31 years of teaching. He will build these into your care plan, so that over time you support these foundational parts of your bodymind. Feel free to ask about ones you are particularly interested in, for yourself or someone you care about. These include (not necessarily in this order):
- Clear Chronic, Low-Level Infections: Dr Gaeta's Stealth Pathogen Program
- Gut Flora Restoration: microbiome testing and rebalancing
- Leaky Gut: to Heal and Seal a hyperpermeable intestinal tract
- Betafood Protocol: for a happy liver, gallbladder, circulation and detox
- 21-Day Purification Program: an annual cleanse / detox
- Endocrine Support: whole-body hormone balancing
- Protomorphogen Rotation: to test, and help restore, support and maintain, and help reverse a possible autoimmune process, in about 23 organs
- Systemic Enzyme Protocol: for whole-body tissue cleanup
- Blood Cleansing: an herbal strategy for purifying your blood
- Parasite Cleanse: to clear little critters most of us have
- Yeast / Mold / Fungus Cleanse: to address a common issue in today's world
- Brain Protocol: to brighten your brain, and support optimal memory and cognition
Tell a Friend or Family Member
The vast majority of Dr Gaeta's patients over the last 25 years have come by referral from patients he has helped and health professionals he has taught. Help us co-create a culture of "nature first, drugs last," and recommend his care to those you know who are open to a natural approach to restoring or maintaining their health. He is happy to speak with them in a free consultation, to see if his approach is a good fit for their health concerns and goals, and for him to make sure they are a good candidate for his care. Here's how:
- Ask them to visit our main website,, and to go Clinic, then Patients, to learn more.
- They then schedule an Initial Evaluation on that page if they are ready to get started, or Schedule a Free Discovery Call if they are not sure yet.
Thank you!
Revised October 2, 2024